Dr. Erminia Mariani
Participant code: IOR
Dr. Erminia Mariani
Istituto Scientifico Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy, Research Laboratory of Immunology and Genetics,
Via di Barbiano 1/10,
40136, Bologna, Italy.
Education: Biological Science and Medical Degrees. Specialist qualification in “Health and Preventive Medicine”. She was or presently is Full Professor of post-graduated courses in Haematology, Health and Preventive Medicine, Internal Medicine, Clinical Pathology, Infective Diseases, Oncology, Toxicology at the University of Bologna.
Employment:1980-present: Permanent academic researcher, Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Faculty of Medicine at the Bologna University; 1989-present: Senior Medical Manager of Allergology and Clinical Immunology at the Istituto Scientifico Rizzoli, Bologna, Research Laboratory of Immunology and Genetics; 2002-present vice-Director of Research Laboratory of Immunology and Genetics.
Knowledge and experience: Human basic and clinical immunology, cellular and molecular characterisation of age-related alterations of immune response.
Grants: 1982-1987, Italian National Research Council “Mechanism of Ageing” program;
1989- present, coordinator of projects on ageing funded by University of Bologna;
1994-1997, Leader Scientist in the EUCAMBIS project (BMHI-CT94-1209);
1999-2003, Leader Scientist in the ImAginE project (QLK6-CT-1999-02031);
2000- 2002, Leader Scientist in the Italian Ministry for Health (strategic projects and target projects);
2002- present, Leader Scientist in the Italian Ministry for Health (target projects)
Participation to evaluation boards: 1997-present, member of the Commission for assignment of research fund, Committee for Medical and applied Biological Sciences;
1999-present, peer-reviewer of EU projects of the 5th and 6th Framework Programmes
2002-present, Committee for assignment of research fund from Italian Ministry of University and Research.
Reviewer of scientific journals: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Experimental Gerontology, Human Immunology
Relevant publications:
· Honorati M.C., Dolzani P., Mariani E., Piacentini A., Lisignoli G., Ferrari C., Facchini A. Epitope specificity of Th0/Th2 CD4+ T-lymphocyte clones induced by vaccination with rHBsAg vaccine. Gastroenterology 112, 2017-2027, 1997.
· Mariani E., Mariani A.R., Meneghetti A., Tarozzi A., Cocco L., Facchini A. Age-dependent decreases of NK cell phosphoinositide turnover during spontaneous but not Fc-mediated cytolytic activity. Int. Immunol. 7: 981-989, 1998.
· Mariani E., Ravaglia G., Forti P., Meneghetti A., Tarozzi A., Maioli F., Boschi F., Pratelli L., Pizzoferrato A., Facchini A.Vitamin D, thyroid hormones and muscle mass influence natural killer (NK) innate immunity in healthy nonagenarians and centenarians. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 116: 19-27, 1999.
· Solana R., Mariani E. NK and NK/T cells in human senescence. Vaccine 18: 1613-1620, 2000.
· Ravaglia G., Forti P., Maioli F., Bastagli L., Facchini A., Mariani E., Savarino L., Sassi S., Cucinotta D., Lenaz G. Effect of micronutrient status on natural killer cell immune function in healthy free-living subjects aged >/= 90 y. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 71, 590-598, 2000.
· Mariani E., Pulsatelli L., Meneghetti A., Dolzani P., Mazzetti I., Neri S., Ravaglia G., Forti P., Facchini A. Different IL-8 production by T and NK lymphocytes in elderly subjects. Mech. Ag. Dev. 122, 1383-1385, 2001
· Mariani E., Pulsatelli L., Neri S., Dolzani P., Meneghetto A., Silvestri T., Ravaglia G., Forti P., Cattini L., Facchini A. RANTES and MIP-1alpha production by T lymphocytes, monocytes and NK cells from nonagenarian subjects. Exp. Gerontol. 37: 219-226, 2002.
· Mariani E., Meneghetti A., Neri S., Ravaglia G., Forti P., Cattini L., Facchini A. Chemokine production by natural killer cells from nonagenarians. Eur. J. Immunol. 32, 1524-1529, 2002.
· Mariani E., Meneghetti A., Formentini I., Neri S., Cattini L., Ravaglia G., Forti P., Facchini A. Different rates of telomere shortening and telomerase activity reduction in CD8 T and CD16 NK lymphocytes with ageing. Exp. Ger. 38, 653-659, 2003.
· Ravaglia G, Forti P., Maioli F., Muscari A., Sacchetti L., Arnone G., Nativio V., , Talerico T., Mariani E. Homocysteine and cognitive function in healthy elderly community dwellers in Italy. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 77, 668-673, 2003.